We go, as a church, to every place we set our feet to share the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our GO ministry includes all mission efforts (local and global) as we seek to see biblically healthy churches planted where they are needed the most:
Our GO ministry includes all mission efforts (local and global) as we seek to see biblically healthy churches planted where they are needed the most:
- Local Mercy Ministries (these are ministries of service that do not necessarily focus on Gospel sharing as much as open doors to share the gospel in the future, and over the long-term)
- Regional Church Planting (seeking to plant churches in the NE, partnering with like-minded churches and agencies to see healthy churches established in cities that need them the most)
- Global Church Planting (seeking to plant churches among unreached / least-reached peoples in a particular country, partnering with like-minded churches and agencies)
- Mission Trips (trips that seek to support our church planting efforts — targeted mercy trips / children’s ministry trips / family trips / pastor training)