
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Our ambition, as followers of Jesus Christ, is to Glorify Him every place we set our feet!
Whether in your neighborhood, in the town square, or on foreign soil in a third-world country, we pray and train for the gospel to be clear, understood, and shared with as many people as possible.

Missionary of the Week

Gordon & Laurie Phillips | Amazon Baptist Hospital
Gordon (Chip) Phillips is the director of the Amazon Baptist Hospital, as well as a surgeon at the hospital and the government hospital in their city. He is part of the teaching staff of their local church. He also has a weekly radio program. He does personal and family counseling (biblical counseling) and teaches counseling in the mission’s seminaries and regional conferences. Laurie is a nurse at the Amazon Baptist Hospital and works in personal discipleship. They present the gospel to patients who are treated at the Amazon Baptist Hospital, clients that are counseled, and to those who participate in local church ministries.
  • Pray for those who hear the Gospel at the Amazon Baptist Hospital.

  • Pray for those we counsel that they will be willing to apply Biblical principles to the difficulties they face.

  • Pray for Chip’s students in seminary classes and regional conferences.

  • Pray for Fabrício, the Secretary of Health for our region. He is a relatively new believer whom Chip is discipling.

Active Missionaries

United States

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Around the World

Coming Soon!